All mining permits (SMP) issued in Alameda County require the permittee to submit an annual report to document their compliance with the conditions of approval outlined in each SMP. The following staff report provides a summary of NPS staff’s review of the applicable annual reports and provides a summary of each permittee’s compliance with its SMP conditions of approvals and reclamation plan for the January 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019, period.
SMP COA Review PC Staff Report 07.15.2019
For information and current activities associated with individual mining operations in unincorporated areas of Alameda County, select from the map or list of quarries below:
SMP-16 Pleasanton QuarrySMP-17 Apperson Ridge Quarry
SMP-23 Eliot Quarry
SMP-24 Mission Valley Sand and Gravel, Hanson Aggregates
SMP-28 Sheridan Road Quarry
SMP-30 Sunol Aggregates
SMP-31 and -36 Radum Quarry
SMP-32 Mission Valley Sand and Gravel, Hanson Aggregates
SMP-33 Mission Valley Sand and Gravel, Hanson Aggregates
SMP-34 Niles Canyon Quarry