The County of Alameda (County) is processing the Niles Canyon Quarry (SMP-34) Reclamation Plan Amendment (RPA). The RPA was prepared in response to the County’s enforcement actions to bring the Niles Canyon Quarry into compliance with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act, the County’s Surface Mining Ordinance, the approved reclamation plan and the conditions of approval for SMP-34. The RPA and its technical appendices may be found here:
Niles Canyon Quarry (SMP-34) Reclamation Plan Amendment 1 of 5
Niles Canyon Quarry (SMP-34) Reclamation Plan Amendment 2 of 5
Niles Canyon Quarry (SMP-34) Reclamation Plan Amendment 3 of 5
Niles Canyon Quarry (SMP-34) Reclamation Plan Amendment 4 of 5
Niles Canyon Quarry (SMP-34) Reclamation Plan Amendment 5 of 5
The County has issued the following notice of availability (NOA) to inform other agencies and the public that the County has prepared an initial study/subsequent mitigated negative declation for the Niles Canyon Quarry (SMP-34) RPA:
The initial study/subsequent mitigated negative declaration is available here:
SMP-34 (Niles Canyon) Initial Study and Subsequent MND November 2019
The 1996 initial study/mitigated negative declaration for the Niles Canyon Quarry is available here:
SMP-34 (Niles Canyon) 1996 Initial Study