In 1987, the County approved SMP-23 as a reclamation plan for a vested rights operation at the Eliot Quarry. The project applicant, RMC Pacific Materials, LLC, a wholly owned entity of CEMEX (CEMEX) proposes to amend the current SMP-23 reclamation plan because changes in circumstances at the site and in applicable regulatory requirements have necessitated the preparation of an amended reclamation plan. The amended reclamation plan addresses those changes needed and provides reclamation objectives that can be feasibly accomplished and permitted by regulatory agencies. CEMEX has therefore applied to the County for a reclamation plan amendment.
The series of events regarding the Eliot Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Project are outlined in the timeline below, followed by details and documents related to and organized by each event.
- March 2019: Eliot Quarry (SMP-23) Submits Current Application to Amend Reclamation Plan
- June 17, 2019: Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) and Notice of Availability (NOA) of NOP Issued
- June 26, 2019: Reclamation Activities at Lake A Meeting
- June 26, 2019: Public Scoping Meeting for SEIR
- January 27, 2021: Draft SEIR Available for Public Review and Comment
- March 3, 2021: Public Meeting for Receiving Public Comment on SEIR
- March 12, 2021: Draft SEIR Comment Period Ends. Final SEIR Preparation.
- June 21, 2021: Planning Commission Hearing and Project Approval
1: March 2019: Eliot Quarry (SMP-23) Submits Current Application to Amend Reclamation Plan
On March 2019, Eliot Quarry (SMP-23) submitted the current application to amend their reclamation plan. This application is available for review:
00 - Binder Cover Vol 1 of 2 - County Application
00 - Binder Cover Vol 2 of 2 - Revised Reclamation Plan
01 - Table of Contents
02 - Cover Letter
03 - Agent Authorization for Compass Land (Signed)
04a - County Application Form - Standard Application (Signed)
4b - County Application Form - SMP-23 (Final)
04c - Secretary Certificate for Proof of Signatory
05 - Preliminary Title Report
06 - Grant Deeds
07a - Project Description
07b - Project Description – Figures
08 - Att 1 - Planning Comission Resolution No. 12-20 (SMP-23)
09 - Att 2 - Zone 7 and RMC Lonestar Agreement
10 - Att 3 - Letter to Pleasanton Gravel and Vulcan Materials Company
11 - Att 4 - Clay Bed Modeling Report
12 - Att 5 - Air and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study
13 - Att 6 - Environmental Noise Analysis
14 - Att 7 - Improvement Plans - Eliot ADV Realignment
15 - Revised Reclamation Plan
16 - Revised Reclamation Plan – Figures
17 - Revised Reclamation Plan - Sheets
18a - RRP - Appendix A - Site Legal Description
18b - RRP - Appendix A - Site Legal Description - Cell Tower Exclusion Areas
19 - RRP - Appendix B - Hydraulic Design Study
20a - RRP - Appendix C - Lake A Landscape Plan
20b - RRP - Appendix C - Lake A Landscape Plan Functions and Values Memo
21 - RRP - Appendix D - Statement of Reclamation Responsibility
22 - RRP - Appendix E - 2013 Becker Hammer and 2018 Sonic Drill Logs
23 - RRP - Appendix F - Biological Resources Assessment
24 - RRP - Appendix G - Aquatic Resources Delineation Report
25 - RRP - Appendix H - Groundwater Hydro and Water Quality Analysis Report
26 - RRP - Appendix I - Geotechnical Investigation
27 - RRP - Appendix J - Slope Stability Analysis - ADV Realignment
28 - RRP - Appendix L - Financial Assurance Cost Estimate
2: June 17, 2019: Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) and Notice of Availability (NOA) of NOP Issued
The County issued the following revised NOP of a draft SEIR for the Eliot Quarry SMP-23 Reclamation Plan Amendment Project [Note: In 2016, the County issued an NOP for a previous iteration of the reclamation plan amendment, which has been superseded by the March 2019 application.]
Eliot Quarry SMP-23 NOP 06.17.2019
The County of Alameda (County) issued the following revised notice of availability (NOA) to inform other agencies and the public that the County has prepared a notice of preparation (NOP) and that it will be preparing a subsequent environmental impact report (SEIR) for the reclamation plan amendment for Eliot Quarry (SMP-23):
3: June 26, 2019: Reclamation Activities at Lake A Meeting
On June 26, 2019, Alameda County conducted a meeting related to the proposed Eliot Quarry (SMP-23) reclamation activities that are planned to take place in the Lake A area.
4: June 26, 2019: Public Scoping Meeting for SEIR
On June 26, 2019, Alameda conducted a public scoping meeting to solicit comments on the scope of the environmental impact report related to the amended reclamation plan for Eliot Quarry (SMP-23).
5: January 27, 2021: Draft SEIR Available for Public Review and Comment
Notice of Availability: On January 27, 2021, the County issued an NOA to advise other agencies and the public that the County has prepared a Draft SEIR in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the Eliot Quarry (SMP-23) Reclamation Plan Amendment Project (Project) within a portion of unincorporated Alameda County, California. The NOA is provided below.
Notice of Availability of an SEIR for the Proposed Eliot Quarry (SMP-23) Reclamation Plan Amendment
Draft SEIR: The SEIR will not be available for public review at any County office locations due to closures relating to Covid-19. Hardcopies may be requested by e-mailing Bruce Jensen, Senior Planner, at
The Draft SEIR and all supporting technical and reference documents are available in the links below.
Volume 1
0_Executive Summary
2_Project Description
3_Terminology Approach and Assumptions
4.0_Environmental Analysis
4.1_Aesthetics and Visual Resources
4.2_Air Quality
4.3_Biological Resources
4.4_Geology and Soils
4.5_Greenhouse Gas Emissions
4.6_Hydrology and Water Quality
4.7_Land Use and Planning
5_Cumulative Impacts
7_Other CEQA Topics
8_List of Preparers
9_References and Resources
00 Volume II Cover and TOC
00 Volume III Cover and TOC
Appendix A-1 Initial Study
Appendix A-2 NOC & NOP
Appendix A-3 Comments on NOP
Appendix B-1 Proposed Reclamation Plan Amendment
Appendix B-2 Lake A Landscape Plan
Appendix B-3 Lake A Landscape Plan Functions and Value Memo
Appendix B-4 Improvement Plans for ADV Realignment
Appendix C-1 Air Quality and GHG Report
Appendix C-2 Public Health Risk Assessment
Appendix D-1 Biological Resources Assessment
Appendix D-2 BRA Addendum
Appendix D-3 Aquatic Resources Delineation Report
Appendix E-1 Geotechnical Investigation Report for SMP-23 Reclamation
Appendix E-2 Geotechnical Investigation and Slope Stability Report for ADV
Appendix F-1 Hydraulic Design Study
Appendix F-2 Groundwater Hydrology & Water Quality Report
Appendix F-3 Focused Water Quality Assessment for Lake B
Appendix F-4 3D Clay Bed Geologic Model...
Appendix F-5 2013 Becker Hammer and 2018 Sonic Drill Logs
Appendix F-6 Adaptive Management Program for Water Quality...
Appendix F-7 Eliot Water Supply Assessment
Appendix G Environmental Noise Analysis
Draft LAVQAR EIR (1979)
Addendum (analogous to what is now referred to as the Final EIR) (1980)
6: March 3, 2021: Public Meeting for Receiving Public Comment on SEIR
On January 27, 2021, the NOA of the SEIR for the Proposed Reclamation Plan Amendment for the Eliot Quarry was circulated to the general public. The NOA included notice of a public meeting previously scheduled to be held on February 26, 2021 at 6:30 PM. In response to public and agency requests, the County issued a notice that the public meeting has been rescheduled to March 3, 2021 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
7: March 12,2021: Draft SEIR Comment Period Ended. Final SEIR Preparation
The County has completed the Final SEIR for the proposed project. The Final SEIR provides responses to comments received on the Draft SEIR and is available for review below.
0 - Cover and Table of Contents
1 - Introduction
2 - CEQA Review
3 - EIR Errata
4 - Response to Comments
5 - List of Preparers
6 - References and Resources
7 - Acronyms
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Combined PDF Chapters 1 through 7 and Appendices
8: June 8, 2021: Planning Commission Hearing
Notice is herebygiven that the Alameda County Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider a reclamation plan amendment (proposed project), Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and revised Conditions of Approval for the Eliot Quarry, regulated under Surface Mining Permit (SMP) SMP-23.
The Planning Commission took public testimony and consider certified of the Subsequent EIR, adopted of a mitigation monitoring and reporting program, adopted new and revised conditions of approval, and found the proposed project consistent with applicable regulations. The public hearing is occured on June 21, 2021. No parties timely appealed the Planning Commission’s determinations to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. Therefore, the Planning Commission’s determinations are final.
The final resolution and revised conditions of approval is available here.
The final reclamation plan amendment is available upon request. Please email or to receive a digital copy.